All India Council of Technical Education & Technology
अखिल भारतीय तकनीकी शिक्षा और प्रौद्योगिकी परिषद
Self Independent Professional Education & Research Council In India

(An ISO 9001:2015, 29993:2017 Certified Organisation, QCI Approved)
Registered under Section 52 & Rule 22A (3), 46(1), WB registration Rules 1962, Govt. of West Bengal/ WB state Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings & Employments Rules 1979, Govt. of West Bengal / Under Section 23(2), Rules 56(1) Govt. of India/ Section 45 of the Copyright Act 1957(14 of 1957), Govt. of India. / Under sub – section (2) of section 7 of the CLR act, 1970, Government of West Bengal (West Bengal Labour Department) / under the west Bengal Shops & Establishment act, 1963, Government of West Bengal (West Bengal Labour Department).

Legal Status of AICTET

All India Council of Technical Education & Technology is an autonomous body, which is run by under the Indian trust act 1882 Registered under Government of West Bengal. All India Council of Technical Education & Technology to cater to the Educational needs of school dropouts, working adults, housewives and socially disadvantaged sections. All India Council of Technical Education & Technology provides Educational opportunities using distance and open learning methods to persons who wish to study and quality for a better tomorrow. The Mission of All India Council of Technical Education & Technology is to provide Education for all with special concern for Girls & Women, Rural youth, working people, SC/ST challenged & other disadvantaged groups. All India Council of Technical Education & Technology is a non commercial voluntary social educational institution with the aims of expansion and promotion of education, publication of scare, unique and newly written literature, pay honor and due promotion to the educationists. These may be enumerated as below: To democratize higher education by providing it to the students at their door step. To provide higher education to one and all, irrespective of age/sex/caste/ territory. To provide job-oriented and professional education. To promote and popularize Education under Open & Distance Education system on the pattern of other countries. The option to select choice subjects and imbibe more education at lesser cost. This Board was established under Indian Trust act 1882 the compulsory and constitutional provisions of All India Council of Technical Education & Technology is not in receipt of any grant-in-aid either from the Government or from the UGC, so far. Therefore UGC Act is not applicable to Board. Viewed at from the fulfillment of provisions of the articles 14, 19(1), 21, 29, 30, 45, 46 344 & 351 of the Indian Constitution 1950, The concept of Distance Education originated from Berlin ( Germany ) in 1856. Afterwards, Russia granted recognition to distance education in the world. In this manner the idea of Open Universities was conceived by the British Prime Minister Mr. Harold Wilson in the year 1863 to provide an opportunity to persons who were otherwise denied opportunities to further their education and make their life successful. In 1969 under the Royal Charter an Open University was established the success of which was more far reaching than the traditional Universities. Under the new Education Policy 1986, the Government of India laid particular stress on Open Universities and Distance Education. All India Council of Technical Education & Technology is getting necessary direction and full co-operation from Educationists, professors and social workers of the country. It is their unanimous opinion that Board has given practical shape to the concept of British Prime Minister Harold Wilson by providing Open and Distance Education to the under privileged sections of students and encouraged democracy to take deeper education to the country. Under Human Rights Protection Act, 1993, autonomous bodies like the Board have been given special protection. For further details please see AIR 1993 SC 217B. All India Council of Technical Education & Technology An added autonomous Board ruining successfully. Which is run by under the Indian trust act 1882, To Educate those who are not Educated in conventional manner pioneer Board of all Deeps in the Country. The National Policy on Education. 1986 further emphasized its importance and observed: “The introduction of systematic, well planned and rigorously implemented programme of vocational education is crucial in the proposed educational re-organization. Vocational education will be a distinct stream intended to prepare students for identified vocations spanning several areas of activity.” The Government of India considers Vocational Education and Training (VET) as an important element of the nation’s education initiative. In order for VET to play its part effectively in the changing national context and for India to enjoy the fruits of the demographic dividend, there is an urgent need to redefine the critical elements of imparting vocational education to make them flexible, contemporary, relevant, inclusive and creative. The Government is well aware of the important role of VET and has already taken a number of important initiatives. Through consultations with industry groups, academics, civil society and practitioners, Government of India has deliberated ways and means to strengthen these initiatives and recommends. Under this government law and order process, All India Council of Technical Education & Technology is promoting the extreme services to nation.

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